Category: Maven

Enhanced find usages support in NetBeans >= 7.1

Posted by: Christian Moser Posted on: 28. March 2012 Comments: 1

In my opinion, Netbeans is one of the most intuitive Java IDE today, especially when it comes to maven development. There was just one missing feature I was always upset about. The IDE was not indexing classes and their dependencies in the local maven repository. So it was not possible to find referenced classes contained in maven projects that weren’t opened  in the IDE. This is quiet annoying if you need to…

Eclipse 3.7 Indigo with M2E – lifecycle connectors

Posted by: Christian Moser Posted on: 8. July 2011 Comments: 1

Recently Eclipse 3.7 Indigo with M2E Plugin 1.0.0 was released.  Since Eclipse 3.7, M2E is part of the Eclipse Foundation. I had expected better of it. Since M2E 1.0.0, the plugin features a new life-cycle connector concept for maven-plugins. M2E users are now forced to provide a connector for every plugin used in their builds or if none connectors are available, to ignore the connectors. Unfortunately, to ignore the missing…

Maven artifact sources / javadoc download

Posted by: Christian Moser Posted on: 20. December 2010 Comments: 0

Artifact sources resolution Um mit Maven alle sourcen der verwendeten direkten und transitiven dependencies aufzulösen, wird folgendender plugin Aufruf verwendet: [cc lang=’text’ line_numbers=’false’]mvn dependency:sources[/cc] Nun muss man wissen, dass nach dem Aufruf im target Verzeichnis des entsprechenden Projektes ein cache-Ordner “dependency-maven-plugin-markers” erstellt wird. Dies verhindert ein erneutes auflösen der sourcen beim selbigen Aufruf. Mit einem vorangehenden clean kann das dependency Plugin zu einem erneuten lookup gezwungen werden. [cc lang=’text’ line_numbers=’false’]mvn…